7 ans ·Traduire

Nu exista motiv de a nu participa la aceasta oportunitate gratuita!
Informatii privind planul de castig: company forced matrix 3 x 4 Se completeaza automat de la stanga la dreapta,indiferent de cine aduce referalii. Este indicat ca fiecare sa aduca minim 3 referali seriosi.
Nivel 1 25 x 3 = $75 to you. $5 to admin $55 to upgrade( free start but is $25 on the plan(You get PIF in).
Nivel 2 $55 x 9 = $450 to you . $300 upgrade. $25 new spot. $125 profit .
Nivel 3 $280 (shows)x 27 = $ 7,560 $2,500 upgrades, $2,500 piff for others, $2560 profit to you.
Nivel 4 $2,300( shows) x81 = $186,300 ..$2,500 piff, $183,800 to wallet
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La sponsor completati Ioan Dobre


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